Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why are we walking?

Mama and I are walking to raise money to help dogs and cats that are not as fortunate as my sisters and myself. We will be sending any donations on to help pets through the following nonprofit rescue groups: North Beach PAWS, Spider Rocks, Old Dog Haven and World Vets Organization. Following are the websites so you can see all the wonderful work each of these groups does!

North Beach PAWS
helps care for and find homes for dogs and cats in the North Beach area of Grays Harbor, WA

Spider Rocks helps local animals in need through private donations

Old Dog Haven
helps the old dogs find forever homes. Mama adopted Betty from them earlier this year. She is a mighty good dog, though she is boss of me, which I don't like....

World Vets
is an organization that helps animals around the world! Mama goes on trips with them, and brought home Oreja from Mexico last year!!

I will keep you posted on how to make donations.

Watch for future posts about more training, the trail, gear and other cool stuff!

That's all for now!
Your puppy pal, Karoo


So how does a handsome red headed border collie train for such an endeavor?? My mama and my sisters and I go to the beach every morning before work. We go rain, snow, wind, dark or light... Mama goes about four miles on work days, six miles on nonwork days. Us four-leggers go A LOT further!!! There are waves to run in, birdies to herd, sticks and balls to fetch, and just lots of running to be done. We also go hiking or bikeriding on logging roads 2-3 days/week, weather permitting. I am one buff fellow!! Of course, all those training trips are augmented with some good games of fetch and wrestling with my sister, Oreja.
When we get home from hiking, I am always ready to play some more... hmmm, everybody else is taking a nap... what is with that???
More later!!
Your puppy pal, Karoo