Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 3

Today we did the “Dread and Terror” segment of the trail! Geri joined us on the first part to the Lemolo Falls. She wanted to do some photos and some painting. Mama and I went on at a faster pace, lots of miles to cover!! Today I wore my video kam and the KarooKam. Mama thinks she got it all figured out. I looked quite cool with the cameras!
The hike was beautiful, all along the river. There were bazillions of seeping rocks and waterfalls coming off the sides of the hills. Mama was once again mesmerized by all the little plant life.
At one point we ended up in an area that had been badly flooded and became quite boggy. We were getting a little worried about getting through to our next stop! I kept finding incredible smells to follow and would race off a bit with my nose to the ground. I got a bit nervous and worked up… started barking and really got Mama a bit nervous! Finally scared a young buck and he sailed down the mountain side and swam across the river!!! I wanted to go after him, but Mama called me back… and I behaved… kind of. She was worried enough that she put the leash on me… darn it, I want to get that deer!
We have never seen anyone on the trails so far. But it is a popular trail for mountain bikers and we saw tire tracks today, probably from the weekend. Mama is amazed that anyone would ride a bike on those trails!! It was “dread and terror” enough on foot!
Mama saw a river otter today. I missed it. Just as well, I would have wanted to chase it, also!
The KarooKam did not work for long today, only got two pictures. Mama may post them, not very good pics, but you can see the tip of my chin and tongue! We haven’t checked the video cam yet…
According to the maps we did 19 miles today… sure felt like it, but we only hiked about 8 hours….
I finally ate a decent dinner tonight. Now it is time for bed!
Once again, sleepily yours, Karoo

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