Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 4

Me with Mama, me on the trail, and me in front of the trailhead sign:

"River view" and one of the flower-things Mama keeps looking at:

We got a very late start today. After a big breakfast we went to the Forest Station to get better ideas on the trails. The maps we have don’t seem to match well with what really is out there. So Mama and Geri spent some time at the ranger station getting things cleared up.
By the time we started walking it was almost 11am! I was ready to go!! A loop trail was recommended and we started on the “outside” trail. I saw some big squirrels to chase! Mama made me come back, darn. The trail was high up on a steep mountain side, overlooking the North Umpquah River, but also over the highway. We could hear the traffic as we hiked (and I really wanted to check out those vehicles. I would hang over the steep edge and get Mama all worked up! She finally put me on leash for awhile. Darn.) It wasn’t a very pretty trail. Definitely one to skip.
Anyway, it was unclear where to get back to the main trail and we ended up going an extra 5 miles before getting back on the trail! Also had to walk along the highway, with no shoulders, for over a half mile to get to the bridge that led to the trail head! (I was very good, I have been trained to sit when a vehicle is coming, because I would LOVE to chase cars. I was sitting before Mama realized a vehicle was approaching!) Not a very good “loop” trail. Mama is going to let them know! When we got back to the main trail it was GORGEOUS!! Right along the river, lots of water, felt like a rain forest. The trails we did are called the Riverview trail (yuck) and the Mott Trail (beautiful). We did not get to do one more leg that we wanted, got too late, and with the extra 5 miles we still did a total of 16 miles today! I think we (I mean Mama) are at 66 miles now (of course, I have done more!!!)
We have really been lucky with the weather. Nice and cool for hiking. A little rain, but not enough to get us too wet. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy… hope it is like today! Not much rain at all. BUT tonight, when we got home, it really started pouring! Luckily we decided not to cook on the grill tonight, it would have been awfully soggy!
Tomorrow we are going to eat an early breakfast at the cabin so we can get an early start. Have almost 18 miles planned! Now that I have this blog written, I can get back to sleep!
Your puppy pal, Karoo

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